Tesseract OCR Installation Guide for Windows
Step 1: Download
Navigate to the latest installer for Windows (tesseract-ocr-w64-setup- ).
Step 2: Installation
Run the downloaded installer.
Follow the installation prompts. It's recommended to select the option to add Tesseract to your system PATH during installation.
Step 3: Verify Installation
Open Command Prompt and type tesseract -v to verify the installation. You should see the version number of Tesseract if it was installed correctly.
Step 4: Set Up System Path (if not set during installation)
Right-click 'This PC' or 'Computer' on the desktop or in File Explorer.
Click 'Properties', then click 'Advanced system settings'.
In the System Properties window, click 'Environment Variables'.
Under System Variables, scroll to find 'Path' and select it, then click 'Edit'.
If Tesseract's installation path is not present, click 'New' and add the Tesseract OCR path (e.g., C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR).
Click 'OK' to close all dialogs.
Step 5: Test Tesseract
In Command Prompt, navigate to a directory containing an image file.
Run a test command: tesseract image.png output -l eng.
If Tesseract OCR is working, it will create a text file named output.txt with the recognized text.
Additional Notes
For specific language support, you may need to download the appropriate language data files from the Tesseract OCR repository and place them into the 'tessdata' directory within the Tesseract installation folder.
Tesseract OCR Installation Guide for macOS
Step 1: Download
Open Terminal.
Install Homebrew if it's not already installed by running CLI
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)".
Step 2: Installation
In Terminal, install Tesseract by running CLI:
brew install tesseract
This command will install the latest version of Tesseract along with the necessary dependencies.
Step 3: Verify Installation
Confirm the installation by typing tesseract -v in Terminal. You should see Tesseract's version information.
Step 4: Set Up System Path
Normally, Homebrew takes care of adding Tesseract to the system path. However, if you encounter issues, ensure that the path to Homebrew's binary directory is in your PATH environment variable.
Step 5: Test Tesseract
Navigate to a folder with an image file in Terminal.
Test OCR functionality: tesseract image.png output -l eng.
Tesseract should create an output.txt file with the OCR results.
Additional Notes
To install language data or other Tesseract utilities, use Homebrew to install them (e.g., brew install tesseract-lang).
You can install specific language data files manually by downloading them from the Tesseract OCR GitHub repository and placing them in the appropriate directory (typically /usr/local/share/tessdata).